Thursday, January 24, 2013

skating {with the boys}

While the girls hung out, the boys headed to the rink for treatments/optional skate. It was a perfect time for Jack to skate as some of the players brought their kids also.

 {playing with the big boys}

 {it's not everyday you get to skate with chelios}
After over an hour and a half of happy boy!

snow day {play day}

Today was a snow day for Madison (the 2nd this week).  We had to go downtown, so we stopped to play at the Children's Museum.  It was fun to get out and do something during the week!

{art} on display

Madison brought home a paper that told us her art was on display at the Caledonia Library for the months of January/February.  We had to go find it!

Artist: Madison B.
Title: Snow Suit Portrait
Kindergarten-Paris Ridge
"I used water colors...markers...Sharpies"

Monday, January 21, 2013

{winter} weather

It's beginning to look a lot like...winter!
It has snowed all day and the temp is only 10 degrees.  We braved it for a bit to play!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

{family} games

The Grimes Family sent the kids each a kiwi crate.  The theme of the box was family games.  We tried out one...

Thanks guys!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

let's create {and celebrate}

Madison had 3 friends from school over for a little birthday party today.  She chose to have an art party.  The girls tie dyed t-shirts, painted canvases, and made hair clips.

We had lots of fun celebrating SIX!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

{more} cake

 The kids spent the weekend at Grandma & Grandpa's house. (Mommy went to her first hockey game without kids in 6 years!)  John and I drove over to get the kids on Sunday...the perfect time to celebrate Madison's birthday with Grandma, Grandpa and the Steakley's.
 {the girls comparing iPods}
{Maddie got an iPod for her birthday from Grandma, Grandpa, Mim, P, mommy and daddy}

{cool cases}