Monday, August 24, 2009

Little Walker

Just since we were at the doctor's office on Friday, Jack has decided that he is ready to walk!!

I'm looking forward to a few less bruised knees and dirty legs...although he is a boy!

So, look out world, here comes Jackson!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Painting Pottery

We met some friends at "As You Wish", the local paint your own pottery studio. This was a first for Maddie.
getting some help to make hand prints
dirty hands

Stay tuned for our finished project!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

1 year stats!

Yesterday was Jack's 1 year well visit.
Height: 32 inches (96%)
Weight: 25 pounds 5 ounces (79%)
Head : 49cm (97%)
He did really well with his 3 shots! After I told the doctor that he was walking/running behind ever toy/chair but not really taking many steps on his own, Jack decided to come home and take 7-10 steps on his own a few times. He is also off formula so no more bottles!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Birthday Pictures!

I took Jack for birthday pictures today.
1 year old!
Big boy
Wanna see my belly??
Momma's cutie!


We did cake pictures!
Slowly checking it out.
Pushed it away after awhile.
Not too bad.
Maybe I'll try a little more.
Ok...maybe a cupcake too.
Pretty good.
Had enough!
Told you I was done...didn't you understand?? more smile!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Birthday Boy!!

Jackson is 1!!!
Birthday Boy

I think he thoroughly enjoyed his cake-
it was everywhere when he was done!
Opening his gift from grandma & grandpa Bernal
cute clothes!!

Has it really been a year??

It's hard to believe we were blessed with a little boy, Jackson Frank, a year ago today. Lots has happened in his first year. From moving to Phoenix at 6 weeks old, to his first NHL game, we can't forget his emergency surgery, and many more memorable milestones. Jackson is total boy (and a mamma's boy). He loves to make noise, get into everything, and climb on anything that will hold him. Jackson has 4 teeth, 2 on top and 2 on the bottom...and 2 trying to come thru any day. Jack lost his baby face early and looked like toddler way earlier than Maddie did. Jack loves his sister and Maddie loves her "buddy." He is still not walking but takes some steps here and there. I look forward to the next year and the many more milestones to enjoy!!

Rocky Mtn National Park

On Sunday, after the wedding, we drove from Denver to Estes Park into Rockey Mountain National Park. We decided to drive the Fall River Pass.

Maddie feeling the cold water in a little waterfall.
Jackson excited to be out of his carseat.

We made it to the top...11,796 feet!
It was about 10 degrees cooler at the top.
Maddie at the top.
with Mr. Bear
Jack needed his picture at the top too!
It was beautiful...we wouldn't mind going back and spending more time!
The kids...not even 2 minutes after we left the top to head back down the mountains.

Jessica & Kevin's Wedding

The reason for our trip to Denver was for Jessica and Kevin's wedding. It was a great time...John and I even got a little time away from the kids.
The beautiful bride...a best friend from college.
Maddie and Aunt Jess
Jack was a little clingy at the reception since I was gone most of the day.
Dancing with Daddy...they had been practicing for months.
Kevin and Jess showing off some moves!!

Denver Aquarium

We spent a morning at the Denver Aquarium...

Maddie and the shark
Maddie...the diver
Checking out the fish!
True sign in the aquarium---the temps in Phoenix were this high before we left for Denver.
Jack's fish face!!