Monday, December 31, 2007

Birthday Time

It's hard to believe that our little girl will be 1 in a couple of days. As you can tell we had birthday pictures taken. I think these are my favorite so far. Enjoy!!!

Birthday Hat

Maddie in her 1st birthday hat. She loves it...she starts smiling every time I put it on her.
My precious bithday girl
Birthday outfit

Birthday Cake

We also took pictures of Maddie's first taste of birthday cake. She was so fun to watch...I think I have over 100 pictures of her with the cake. She as hesitant at tearing the cake apart, she never really destroyed the whole cake. I know she ate way more frosting than cake...nothing like a little sugar overload.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

We hope everyone had a merry Christmas...we did. Maddie was a little overwhelmed. She enjoyed playing with all the wrapping paper. Overall it was a great day, one we won't soon forget.
Maddie's 1st Christmas stocking
Trying out the tricycle from Grammy & Grampy
Maddie first thing on Christmas morning...she loves the ball pit that Santa brought. She has been climbing in and out of it all day long.
Ducky rocker from Santa

In our new wagon from Grandma and Grandpa will all the great gifts Maddie received from family and friends. Thanks everyone, we appreciate the thoughtfulness.

Lil' Chef

Great Aunt Linda sent Maddie this lil' chef outfit to wear while helping with the Christmas cooking. We wore it today. It is too cute...thanks Great Aunt Linda!!!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Cookies for Santa

Maddie and Mommy baked cookies for Santa tonight.
Maddie with the plate of cookies. We also included some brownie bites in case Santa is really hungry. We left Santa a bottle of beer since our milk is out of date...hope he doesn't mind.
Maddie checking out Santa's treats.
Can't resist the urge to touch the treats...
Or taste Santa's treats!! Gotta make sure they are Santa worthy.
Nothing like cookies and milk before bed.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Penguin Party Hop

I bought this from Hallmark last year during the after Christmas sales thinking our child would really enjoy it. I think it was a great buy...Maddie gets so excited when you push to button and it starts singing. So enjoy Maddie's rendition of "Penguin Party Hop"....Merry Christmas!!!

Santa Hat

Maddie in her 1st Christmas santa hat

Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas Pictures

I thought I would post some pictures from our visit to the portrait studio last week. Maddie was great. Now that she is walking everywhere, Maddie wouldn't stand still for pictures. Good thing the lady was fast with her camera. Birthday pictures coming in the next couple of weeks...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

On the Go

I tried really hard yesterday to get a picture of Maddie in her cute little Christmas outfit. As you can tell she wanted nothing to do with Mommy taking pictures. She is walking about 80% of the time. If she wants to get somewhere in a hurry she still crawls. She is so much fun at this stage and we are enjoying every minute of it.
The best picture I could get.
Walking off while I'm trying to get a picture.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

11 months old

Maddie is 11 months old today. Just a short month until she turns the big "1" year old. I still can't believe that it has been 11 months since she entered our world and stole our hearts.
We have our tree up...minus some ornaments on the lower branches. Definitely doesn't feel like December/winter, it was in the mid 80's here today.

Cowboy Kringle

Only in Texas...
We went to Gruene yesterday to see Cowboy Kringle. I figured since we live in Texas, Maddie's first visit with Santa should be with Cowboy Kringle. When I told Maddie to tell Santa what she wanted for Christmas...Santa said anything that she could put in her mouth. Just proves that Santa is watching...he knows Maddie "tastes" everything.