Friday, December 26, 2008

The Magic of Christmas

Just awake...
Seeing that Santa had filled our stockings
Santa ate the snacks we left...Maddie wanted to get him more pink juice!!
Dumping her stocking out
Santa brought ice Daddy gets to teach her to skate!!
Maddie opening Jack's gift from Santa!! I don't think there was a gift that she didn't help open. Much different than last year...lots of fun!!!
Opening more gifts...Elmo live also was left by Santa. Maddie must have been a really good girl this year.
Playing with toys. Everything had to be taken out of the box immediately so she could try it out.
Sit n Spin...didn't take her long to figure out how it worked!
We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!!!
Time for us to switch to birthday mode...the big "2" is coming in a week!

Jack's First Christmas

Jack's 1st Christmas ornament...matches Maddie's from her 1st Christmas.
Wide awake
Opening present from Santa...
Too much Christmas...Jack had to take a little nap while Maddie opened presents
Playing with his new play gym from Santa
Love the new gym

Christmas Eve

Making cookies for Santa
We left Santa some of Maddie's favorites along with juice & a sucker!!
Tracking Santa before bedtime
Jack snuggling with Mim

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas from our family!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Jack's 4 months old

Jackson turned 4 months old a couple of days ago. I took him for his check-up today. The little guy is at the top of the chart in weight and off the charts in height. We are right on track with everything and constantly rolling over.

Just a year ago

I found this outfit yesterday...still fits a year later! Maddie wore it for Christmas pictures last year.
December 2007
December 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Hockey Game

We went to the hockey game last night. The Coyotes lost to the Red Wings in a shoot out. It was a very exciting game, we just had to stay up late to see the end. I'm paying for it now as I beg Maddie to take a nap so she isn't crabby for pictures later today.

The little guy...he stays awake for most of the game.
Maddie...loves Howler (the mascot) and we have to have lots of snacks to keep her occupied to sit that long. I still think I see more of the game if we watch it on TV at home than going to the rink with 2 little kids :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Rolling Over

Jack rolled over yesterday. He has been working on it for while now. Finally it comes pretty easily for him. After rolling over he lifted his upper body up to look in the mirror. I can't believe he will be 4 months old tomorrow!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Maddie and I made gingerbread cookies today.
Pouring the honey in the mix.
roll, roll, roll (as Maddie said)
Maddie painting her masterpiece...I do believe the was more color on her clothes than the cookie!

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Our new stockings arrived the other day. I showed Madison hers and told her it was a stocking. Immediately she sat down and put it on her foot.
Just had to capture the moment...pull-ups and all. On a side note-- Maddie does use her little potty daily. So she runs around the house in a shirt and her pull-ups alot lately.
Our stocking are hung...ready for Santa

Pretty Lights

John had a rare afternoon off the other we spent it hanging lights on the house. Maddie gets excited and proclaims "pretty lights" to every house we drive by that has their Christmas lights up. Some days she is fond of the Santa in the yard, other days she is not. Needless to say, I don't have high expectations of a picture with Santa this year.

O' Christmas Tree

Maddie and I decorated the tree this week. She was such a big helper hanging the ornaments. I let her hang all the non-breakable ornaments around the bottom of the tree.
Maddie and her decorated section.
The cluster of ornaments. It was too cute. I have since thinned them out a bit. She rearranges a few ornaments every day.
Our tree all lit up.


I gave Jack his first taste of cereal tonight. The little guy did great!